Buffalo Valley Board of Education

Minutes - Regular Meeting – August 12, 2008


Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. 




















Minette Vandiver



1.    Motion by Henry, second by Collins to adopt agenda. Motion approved


2.    Motion by Collins, second by Henry to appoint Lucas as president.  Motion approved.


3.    Motion by Shaw, second by Henry to appoint Collins as vice-president and Henry as clerk.  Motion approved.


4.    Motion by Collins, second by Shaw to approve minutes of July 21, 2008 regular meeting.  Motion approved.


5.    Motion by Henry, second by Collins to approve gen. fund p.o. #72-87, bldg. fund p.o. #4, child nutrition p.o. #12, gen. fund wts. #59-137, bldg. fund wts. #1-2 and child nutrition wts. #2-11.  Motion approved.


6.    Motion by Collins, second by Shaw to approve activity fund report.  Motion approved.

Time:  7:40 p.m.


7.    Motion by henry, second by Collins to convene in executive session to discuss appointment to fill vacancy on board and vacancy in early childhood program.  Motion approved. .

8.    Motion by Henry, second by Collins to return to open session.  Motion approved.  (Executive session minutes kept by Henry.)


Time:  7:58 p.m.


9.    Motion by Shaw, second by Henry to appoint Michael Kennedy to fill Board seat #5 vacancy.  Motion approved.


10. Motion by Collins, second by Shaw to hire Janet McMahan as teacher assistant for the Early Childhood program.  Motion approved.


11. Motion by Collins, second by Henry to approve a stipend of $400 each for 6-12 cheerleading sponsor and 1-4 basketball coach.  Motion approved.


12. Motion by Collins, second by Henry to approve fundraisers for FFA and Athletics.  Motion approved.


13. Motion by Collins, second by Shaw to approve joining Wilburton for the Alternative Education Program.  Motion approved.


14. Motion by Collins, second by Shaw to approve Dr. Harold Hayes as attendance officer.  Motion approved.


15. Motion by Collins, second by Shaw to accept Jerry Mathews resignation as bus driver to be effective when a new bus driver is certified.  Motion approved.


16. Motion by Shaw, second by Collins to approve partial payment to Rowland Construction for construction of covered walkways.  Motion approved.


Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.