Buffalo Valley Board of Education

Minutes - Special Meeting - March 9, 2009


Called to order at 5:00 p.m.  Present:  Collins, Shaw, Henry, Kennedy, Dighton.


Guests:  Michelle Garvin


Motion by Henry, second by Kennedy to convene in executive session to interview applicants for superintendent.  Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes. 


Time:  5:05 p.m.


Motion by Henry, second by Shaw to return to open session.  Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes.


Time:  7:09 p.m.


Executive session minutes kept by Henry.


Motion by Collins, second by Henry to table offering a contract for superintendent and place under new business on regular agenda.  Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes.


Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.