Buffalo Valley Board of Education

Special Meeting - Minutes - July 24, 2007



Meeting called to order at 7;13 p.m.




Smith, Lucas, Shaw, Harris, Hayes, Bray.  Absent:  Collins, Henry.




Yvette Palmer, Rick Palmer, Ruth Ann DIghton, Leora Linker, Marsha Hinchee, Michelle Garvin, Stacia Wright, Ken House, Cynthia Campbell


  1. Motion by Smith, second by Shaw to adopt agenda. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Item #4:  No action


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Shaw to convene in executive session to discuss support personnel raises, vocational agriculture vacancy, hiring a highly qualified teacher assistant for 4-year-old program, and hiring a part-time cafeteria employee. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.  Time:  7:15 p.m.


  1. Motin by Lucas, second by Shaw to return to open session. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.  Time:  10:09 p.m.


Executive session minutes kept by Lucas.


  1. Motion by Smith, second by Lucas to approve support personnel raises. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Shaw, second by Lucas, that Branden Sapp be hired as the vocational agriculture teacher. 


Vote on motion:  SHaw-yes; Smith-yes; LUcas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Shaw, that Daniel Mitchell be hired as science teacher.


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Shaw that Janet Chancellor be hired as teacher assistant for the 4-year-old program. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Shaw, that Tamara Walker be hired as part-time cafeteria employee. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Shaw to approve student drug testing student/parent consent form. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-no; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motin by Lucas, second by Shaw to approve handbook revisions. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Shaw to accept milk bid from Mike Strange/Hiland Dairy. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Shaw to accept drug testing bid from DATL. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-no; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Shaw to accept fuel bid from Clayton Fuels. 


Vote on motion:  Shaw-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


Meeting adjourned at 10:29 p.m