Buffalo Valley Board of Education

Minutes - Regular Meeting - April 14, 2008


Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. 



















Cyndi Campbell

Joe Campbell

Janet Chancellor

Ruth Ann Dighton

Tammy Hunter

Jennifer Burge

Sam Gates

Shaniqua Hokit

Tashina Rollins



  1. Motion by Collins, second by Lucas to adopt agenda. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Lucas to approve minutes of March 10, 2008 meeting. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


Henry came in at 7:09 p.m.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Collins to approve activity fund report. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Lucas to approve Gen. Fund P.O. #259-272; Bldg. Fund P.O. #6-8; Child Nutrition Fund P.O. #12 and Gen. Fund Wts. #909-995; Bldg. Fund Wts #7-9; Child Nutrition Wts. #126-141.


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Henry to adopt resolution for Internet banking inquiry access with Spiro State Bank. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. No action on lease of school bus


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Henry to approve Senior Trip itinerary. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Lucas to convene in executive session to discuss hiring foreign language teacher and employment of support staff. 


Vote on motion;  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes. 


  1. Time:  8:10 p.m.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Collins to return to open session. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes. 


  1. Time:  9:00 p.m. - Executive session minutes kept by Henry.


  1. On recommendation of superintendent, motion by Smith, second by Lucas to employ Maria Martinez as foreign language/library teacher for the 2008-09 school year. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. On recommendation of superintendent, motion by Henry, second by Collins to employ the following support employees for the 2008-09 school year:  Tammy Hunter, Ruth Dighton, Jane Johnson, Sandy Cochran, Scott Palmer, Terri Bray, Cyndi Campbell. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Henry to accept resignation from Shawn Blankenship. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.