Buffalo Valley Board of Education

Regular Meeting – Minutes

October 9, 2006



Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.



















Joe Campbell

Cindy Campbell

Rikki Campbell

Jim Young



1.      Motion by Smith to adopt agenda with Item #12 moved up to #4, second by Henry.


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.


2.      Motion by Smith, second by Henry to accept bid of $700 from Jim Young for Grasshopper mower


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Henry-yes Smith-yes.


3.      Motion by Henry, second by Lucas to approve minutes of September 11, 2006 meeting. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes Henry-yes Smith-yes.


4.      Motion by Henry, second by Lucas to approve gen. fund p.o. #131-164; FY2006 gen. fund wt. #1333; FY2007 gen. fund wts. #234-345; bldg. fund wts. #5-6; child nutrition wts. #32-50, sinking fund p.o. #1 and sinking fund wt. #1. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes Henry-yes Smith-yes.


5.      Motion by Lucas, second by Henry to approve activity fund report. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.


6.      Motion by Henry, second by Lucas to approve vocational program contract. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes Henry-yes; Smith-yes.


7.      Motion by Henry, second by Lucas to approve Gifted & Talented Plan for 2006-2007.


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.


8.      No bids received on stainless steel sink.


9.      Policy for lunchroom debt collection was discussed, no action taken.


10. Motion by Smith, second by Lucas to approve resolution to call for school board election. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.


11. Motion by Lucas, second by Henry to approve class and organization fundraisers. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.