Buffalo Valley Board of Education

Regular Meeting - Minutes

January 8, 2007


Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. 














Tim Wynn

Rusty Shaw


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Collins to adopt agenda. 

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Smith, second by Henry to approve minutes of December 18, 2006 regular meeting. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Tim Wynn presented architectural suggestions and recommendations for building project.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Henry to approve activity fund report. 


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Smith to approve Gen. Fund P.O. #209-228, Gen. Fund. Wts. #448-701 and Child Nutrition Wts. #82-95. 

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Smith, second by Lucas to convene in executive session to discuss employment status of superintendent and administrative assistant. 

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes; Smith-yes. 


Time:  8:50 p.m.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Smith to return to open session.

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes; Smith-yes.


Time:  9:50 p.m. - Executive session minutes kept by Lucas.


  1. Motion by Smith to employ Ira Harris as Superintendent at a base salary of $70,000 with current benefits and add spouse's insurance.  Motion second by Lucas. 

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry to employ Annette Dighton as Administrative Assistant with salary step increase.  Motion second by Smith. 

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Smith to table Student Extracurricular Drug Testing Policy. 

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes; Smith-yes.


Meeting adjourned at 10:02 p.m.