Buffalo Valley Board of Education

September 11, 2006

Regular Meeting Minutes



Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.




















Cindy Campbell

Tammie Swearingen

Charles Durrence

Joe Campbell




  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Collins to adopt agenda

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Smith, second by Lucas to approve minutes of August 14, 2006 regular meeting


Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Collins to approve gen. fund p.o. #98-130; bldg. fund p.o. #4-6; child nutrition fund p.o. #9-11; FY2006 gen. fund wts. #1330-1332; FY2007 gen. fund wts. #130-233; bldg. fund wts. #2-4 and child nutrition wts. #15-31.

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas second by Smith to approve activity fund report.

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas second by Smith to approve estimate of needs for the 2006-07 school year.

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas second by Smith to approve the following fundraisers:  Sr. Class - bake sales, monthly dinners, friendly grams; FFA - meat sales, labor auction; Athletics - gun raffle.

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Smith to approve Athletic Booster Club for organizing fundraisers after organization has meet district guidelines.

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Smith, second by Lucas to declare Grasshopper mower and kitchen sink surplus property and to seek bids with bids to be opened on October 9, 2006.

Vote on motion:  Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Board discussed student Internet usage.  Sonic Wall is used for Internet blocking to comply with CIPA.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.