Buffalo Valley Board of Education

Regular Meeting – Minutes

November 13, 2006



Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. 



















Joe Campbell

Eddie Petty

Linda Petty

Curtis Petty



  1. Motion by Collins, second by Henry to adopt agenda.

Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Lucas to approve minutes of October 9, 2006 meeting.

Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes.: 


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Henry to approve gen. fund p.o. #165-188; bldg. fund p.o. #7; FY2006 gen. fund wt. #1334; FY2007 gen. fund wts. #346-458; bldg. fund wts. #7-8; and child nutrition wts. #51-65. 

Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes.


  1. Public hearing to review the 2006-2007 school budget was held.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Lucas to approve board meeting times and dates for the 2007 calendar year. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes.


  1. Discussed school district needs that would require bonded indebtedness.


Motion by Kennedy, second by Collins to approve lunchroom debt collection policy as follows:  parents will be sent a collection letter at the end of the month and after the third month if the lunch bill has not been paid and there has been no response from the parent, the debt will be turned over to the County Courthouse for collection ten day's thereafter. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Henry to approve fundraisers for elementary cheerleaders, Junior class, and Sophomore class. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-no; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Lucas to convene in executive session to discuss staffing of the school district with no resulting vote. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes. 


Time:  8:50 p.m.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Collins to return to open session. 


Vote on motion:  Lucas-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Kennedy-yes. 


Time:  9:25 p.m. – Executive session minutes kept by Lucas.


  1.  New Business:  Discussed drug-testing policy for extra curricular activities.


Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.