Buffalo Valley Board of Education

Regular Meeting Minutes

February 5, 2007



Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. 















Cynthia Campbell

Rikki Campbell

Joe Campbell


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Henry to adopt agenda. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Kennedy to approve minutes of January 8, 2007 regular meeting and January 16 and 22 special meetings. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Henry to approve activity fund report. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Kennedy, second by Lucas to approve Gen. Fund P.O. #229-247, Gen. Fund Wts. #702-798, Child Nutrition Wts. #96-110, and Bldg. Fund Wt. #9. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Kennedy to employ Bill Pickle as school auditor for the 2006-07 school year. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Kennedy to table ISS policy. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Collins to approve policy for Student Extra Curricular Drug Testing Policy. 

Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-no.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Kennedy to approve Express Personnel Services contract. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Kennedy to table employment of Tim Wynn as architect. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes.


  1. Motion by Kennedy, second by Collins to convene in executive session to discuss employment of Betty Smallwood, Principal. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes. 


Time:  8:15 p.m.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Lucas to return to open session. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes. 


Time:  9:01 p.m.  -- Executive session minutes kept by Lucas.


  1. Motion by Smith to employ Betty Smallwood as Principal for the 2007-2008 school year.


Motion died due to lack of second.


New Business: 

  1. Motion by Smith, second by Henry to move the Professional Development Day from February 19 to February 12 because of livestock shows on February 12 and 13. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes; Smith-yes.


Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.