Buffalo Valley Board of Education

Minutes - Regular Meeting

August 14, 2006



Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
















Cindy Campbell

Joe Campbell

Leora Linker

Dwanda Palmer

Colleen Young

Sandra Twaddle

Rick Palmer

Yvette Palmer

Brenda Fogarty

Kristy Williams

Joni Grammer

Gala Burch

Scott Palmer



  1. Motion by Kennedy, second by Lucas to adopt agenda.


Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Lucas to approve minutes of July 10, 2006 regular meeting, July 31, 2006 and August 5, 2006 special meetings.


Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Superintendent reported that Buffalo Valley had been accredited by the State Department of Education with no deficiencies.


  1. Motion by Collins, second by Lucas to approve Gen. Fund P.O. #69-97; Bldg. Fund P.O. #2-3; Child Nutrition Fund P.O. #8; FY 2006 Gen. Fund Wts. #1325-1329 and Bldg. Fund Wt. #15; FY 2007 Gen. Fund Wts. #50-88; and Child Nutrition Wt. #2.  


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Lucas to approve activity fund report.


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Collins to approve August 2006 payroll; Gen. Fund Wts. #89-127 and Child Nutrition Wts. #3-14. 


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Kennedy to approve $1,000 extra duty stipend to Tammy Hunter to inventory, stock and manage the concession stands for baseball, softball and basketball.


Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Kennedy, second by Lucas to approve joining Wilburton School for the Alternative Education Program.


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Kennedy to approve Betty Smallwood as attendance officer. 


Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


  1. Motion by Lucas, second by Collins to convene in executive session to discuss part-time cafeteria employee.


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.  


Time:  7:25 p.m.


  1. Motion by Henry, second by Smith to return to open session.  


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes Lucas-yes.


Time:  7:33 p.m. - Executive session minutes kept by Lucas.


  1. Superintendent recommended that Freeda Hardin be employed 6 hours a day to work in cafeteria and other areas as needed.


  1. Motion by Kennedy, second by Henry to hire Freeda Hardin for 6 hours a day to work in cafeteria and other areas as needed.


Vote on motion:  Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Smith-yes; Henry-yes; Lucas-yes.


Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.