Buffalo Valley Board of Education
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, November 14, 2005 @ 7:00PM
Superintendent’s Office


  1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Smith, Kennedy, Lucas, Collins, Henry, Harris, Smallwood, Dighton.
  2. Motion by Henry, second by Collins to approve agenda with additions under new business: a) Vote to approve set up of Activity Fund sub-account for elementary cheerleaders. b) Vote to approve fund raisers for elementary cheerleaders. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  3. Motion by Smith, second by Kennedy to approve minutes of October 10, 2005 regular meeting. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  4. Guests: Krystal Henry, Minette Vandiver, Lori King, Jimmie Collins, Rusty Shaw
  5. Motion by Collins, second by Kennedy to approve monthly activity fund report. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  6. Motion by Lucas, second by Henry to approve Gen. Fund P.O. #115-142; Bldg. Fund P.O. #9; Child Nutrition P.O. #14-15; Gen. Fund Wts. #333-446; Bldg. Fund wts. #6-7 Child Nutrition Wts. #50-67. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  7. Motion by Kennedy, second by Lucas to approve board meeting times and dates for the 2006 calendar year. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  8. Motion by Lucas, second by Collins to approve OSIG as the school district's insurance carrier. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  9. Motion by Henry, second by Lucas to approve superintendent's recommendation to employ Harris Tiemann on temporary contract as custodian for the rest of the school year. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  10. Motion by Kennedy, second by Henry to move Item 13 down to be discuss with Item 16. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  11. District physical plant needs were discuss with no action taken.
  12. No resignations received.
  13. Motion by Lucas, second by Henry to approve cheerleading as an extra-curricular activity. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  14. Motion by Collins, second by Kennedy to set up an Elementary Cheerleader's sub-account in the Activity Fund. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.
  15. Motion by Kennedy, second by Collins to approve fund raisers for elementary cheerleaders. Vote on motion: Kennedy-yes; Collins-yes; Lucas-yes; Henry-yes; Smith-yes.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

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